The energy community

Collective Energy is a non-profit citizen energy community founded in Athens at the beginning of 2020 according to the Greek law 4513/2018.

For us, Collective Energy is a means of exploring collective paths that can lead to the transformation of the existing energy model, in the basis of social, environmental, economic and political reform. Through Collective Energy we attempt to investigate and comprehend these paths, to realize energy projects that will benefit our members and the wider community, to collaborate with other initiatives, institutions, organization, enterprises and, eventually, to contribute to the empowerment of this new energy community model in Greece.  


The main decision making body of Collective Energy is the General Assembly of its members which is regularly convened once per year or whenever an important decision is required. At the General Assembly all members of the energy community, regardless of the number of cooperative shares, have the right to one vote.

The General Assembly elects the Board of Directors of the energy community which has five members with a two-year term of office. The Board of Directors is responsible for implementing the decisions and directions set by the General Assembly and undertakes the management function of the cooperative.

The operation of the energy community and its decision-making bodies is clearly defined by its statute. (Statute attached)
At Collective Energy we adopt the seven cooperative principles, which result from the accumulated experience of the international cooperative movement and ensure the proper and smooth operation of the cooperatives.

The seven cooperative principles are the following:

  1. Open and voluntary membership.
  2.  Democratic member control.
  3. Member’s economic participation.
  4. Autonomy and independence.
  5. Education, training and information.
  6. Cooperation among cooperatives.
  7. Convern for community.